Tag Archives: reincarnation

Are We Reincarnated Souls?


21 The World

Thanks to scientific research and other means, it has been proven time and time again that we are much more than our physical bodies. Thousands of people have been put under hypnosis and have described in detail their past lives and their life in the spirit world. Children have described in detail about living a past life. What is most  interesting, is that most everyone who has been put under hypnosis describe the exact same things in great detail about the spirit world – what goes on there, the processes, the teachings, their spirit guides and how they chose their next reincarnation.  The best book out there (in my opinion) is Journey of the Souls by Micheal Newton.   Newton is a psychologist who has put hundreds of people under deep hypnosis and has literally cracked the code into the spirit world.  This book should be on everyone’s bookshelves who are remotely interested in the concept of reincarnation.

1. The soul exists.

  • The soul isn’t just a myth or an illusion or a relic of pre-scientific superstition. All human beings are a combination of physical, mortal body and non-physical, immortal soul.

2. The soul evolves.

  • All souls are on a mission to evolve (grow, develop) through their own experiences and efforts.
  • By evolving, the soul grows from being a “beginner soul” to a highly advanced soul that involves into a master of sorts. This master soul, after eons of reincarnations will eventually become one with the Creator (the source of all of our being)

3. The Soul Reincarnates

  • For our souls to evolve and grow, we need to  experience all aspects of life. Through our reincarnations we live life as female, male, victim, perpetrator,  student and teacher. The more advanced we become in our lessons, the better our live are on Earth. Very advanced souls on Earth are people like Jesus, Mother Teresa, Gandhi.  These people are self-sacrificing for the better good of humanity. These are truly highly advanced souls.

4. The soul is pure energy and has no gender or race.

  • When we reincarnate, we chose the gender or race we want to be in order to learn a lesson. We chose to live in the jungle with a primitive tribe. We chose to live in a slum of a third world country. We chose all of these things and sometimes our lives here are cut short because of our lesson that we chose.

5. The soul reincarnates as human or other highly intelligent beings.

  • Our souls only reincarnate as intelligent  beings. We may have reincarnated in simpler forms eons ago, but we no longer do this now. We can’t evolve as souls if we reincarnate as a human, then reincarnate as a cat. It doesn’t work that way.
  • There are other worlds and we can reincarnate as beings on other planets or realms and dimensions. Again, these beings are intelligent and not of a simple life form.

6. We chose our lives.

  • We always are saddened when a baby dies shortly after birth, or someone is suddenly taken away by a tragic (sometimes freak) accident. As souls, we chose our lives and our death is either a lesson for us or we could be playing a role to teach a lesson for a loved one we left behind. We could be playing a role to teach a mother the grief of loss because her soul wanted to learn that lesson for some reason. We are ALL here for a reason to play a role. The role is a lesson for us or for others or a combination of both.  We do have the free will and how our lives play out isn’t quite exact on how our souls see it before reincarnation. This is all part of the lesson.

7. The law of Karma

  • There is cause and effect of our actions here on Earth. Souls are held accountable of acts of injustice. Its not a disciplinary system, it’s part of the lesson. Its like flunking a class and having to take it over, but the next time the class will be even harder and the teacher might be a little meaner!

 Other Notes

Souls do not normally reincarnate instantly after death. Usually there is a lengthy period between incarnations. During this time the soul, recuperates, considers the lessons learned from the last life, goes to “classes”  and plans the next journey.  Remember, there is no “time” in the spirit world.

If you have had many past lives then you are becoming an advanced soul and are nearing the end of your incarnation journeys.

